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Stem cells: a new strategy for treatment of(3)

来源:环渤海经济瞭望 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-15
摘要:SCPD helps to repair tissues in the later stage of infection During the initial physiological processes in which immune cells eliminate pathogens, the local inflammatory reaction leads to tissue destr

SCPD helps to repair tissues in the later stage of infection

During the initial physiological processes in which immune cells eliminate pathogens, the local inflammatory reaction leads to tissue destruction (Fig.3).At the later stage, it is necessary to repair the local mucosal barrier and tissue, which should be regarded as opinion is that autopoiesis must be based on SCPD for stem cells continue to proliferate and differentiate at the later stage of infection, which will result in the production of a variety of specialized cells, for repairing damaged tissue and restoring the body to full health[35].In the case that the stem cells cannot produce sufficient numbers of specialized somatic cells, there will be incomplete repair of the destroyed tissue or the process of local tissue repair will be will lead to persistence of local inflammation, failure to recover from infectious disease, and the development of conditions such as inflammatory pseudotumor, polyp, ulcer, cirrhosis, or pulmonary studies are investigating the use of hepatocyte growth factor, a cytokine that regulates diverse cellular functions, as a drug to promote tissue repair by stimulation of SCPD in inflammatory liver diseases[36].

SCPD is an intrinsic factor that fights against infection

SCPD is a core physiological process of autopoiesis that plays an important role in the fi ght against invading pathogens throughout the whole process of play direct roles in the early and middle stages of infections, but anti-microbial treatment,although simple, is often insufficient to assure full , which occurs throughout the entire course of an infection, is an intrinsic factor that fi ghts against pathogen invasion in our , we propose that the ideal treatments against the infectious diseases include killing the invading pathogens and providing an advantage internal environment for SCPD.At different stages of infection, different types of stem cells undergo the process of proliferation and differentiation to produce different specialized somatic cells that fight against should take a holistic and comprehensive approach in their treatment of the entire course of infection, and should use the best available medicines to treat the later stage of infection by promoting ,more researches are needed to identify the molecular mechanisms of SCPD so that new medicines and treatments can be developed.


Perhaps, infection may be a war between pathogens and SCPD in our body.In this war, the normal SCPD is disturbed by the invading of killing pathogens and affording beneficial condition for SCPD are the ideal therapies for the patient to get recovery from infectious , clinicians pay more attention to finding out the pathogens and killing them so that recent clinic applications of stem cell only focus on the transplantation of stem cells.In fact, there are few ideal parameters for clinicians to evaluate the SCPD while the occurrence of infections only implies that SCPD in our body has already been out of division and differentiation of stem cells are complex processes that are affected by many endogenous and exogenous our opinions,infectious diseases can be prevented by stimulation of stem cell division with the use of medicine such as fi lgrastim, a derivative of human granulocyte stimulating factor[34].There appears to be potential for the use of other immunomodulators, such as thymopentin, to promote lymphocyte proliferation and prevent , more alternative medicines should be developed to regulate the SCPD or to keep SCPD in order so as to cure or/and prevent infection.

On the other hand, we also pointed out that the interrelationships between energy metabolism and SCPD are similar to that of yin and yang in TCM, which may bring some new understandings of the yin and yang in understandings will enlighten us to integrate the TCM and modern medicine and help us to develop new medicines to treat and prevent infectious diseases by regulating the SCPD on the principle of TCM.

Fig.3 Stem cells against infection

Declaration of conflicting interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


Xiao DS conceived of the manuscript, collected data,wrote the initial draft and revised the H participated in the manuscript design and helped to draft the HY helped to collect data and participated in the interpretation of the data.Li SJ contributed to the study coordination, technical issues and revision of the authors read and approved the fi nal manuscript.


We all confirm that all studies about this manuscript have been carried out within an appropriate ethical framework.

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[2] Pottinger Staphylococcus aureus infections[J].Med Clin North Am, 2013, 97(4):601-619.

文章来源:《环渤海经济瞭望》 网址: http://www.hbhjjw.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0115/449.html


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